Clinical ResourcesBovine

3 Ways Ultrasound Can Be Used To Benefit The Dairy Farmer

By January 29, 2018November 22nd, 2018No Comments

We know reproductive ultrasound scanning is a great modality in dairy practice, but what are the tangible benefits? Here’s 3 to get started:

1. Ultrasound reduces the time from insemination to confirmed pregnancy by 12 days (1). The cost per cow per day open is estimated to be up to £5 in the UK and $3-$5 in the USA (2,3). Reducing the number of days open can lead to significant savings for the dairy farmer.

2. Accurate diagnosis and specific treatment of issues in empty cows will help reduce the numbers of cows culled per year (1).

3. A second examination at 60-70 days of gestation will pick up later losses and can be combined with foetal gender determination. This information will aid culling decisions (1).

Click here to see our range of machines for the vet in bovine practice.




1. Dawson J (2010). The Merits & benefits of ultrasound and herd fertility visits. International Dairy Topics. Vol 9 (6).
2. Laven R (2015). Fertility in Dairy Herds. Part 1: What Does Poor Fertility Cost? Access: online:
3. De Vries A (2006). Determinants of the cost of days open in dairy cattle. In: Proc. 11th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.

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