BCF Ultrasound are supporting the ANZCVS Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia Chapter’s upcoming workshop on ultrasound-guided local anaesthesia. This is the first workshop of its’ kind to be held in Australia…
Evaluation of the canine pregnancy using ultrasound Ultrasonography is the ideal modality for evaluating the canine pregnancy for many reasons. You can assess the following easily with most ultrasound machines:…
Mechanical ileus secondary to foreign bodies can be diagnosed with radiography or ultrasound but ultrasound has some benefits over radiography. For diagnosing SI obstruction in vomiting dogs, in 2011, Sharma…
Details MindVet Academy is proud to present this one-hour FREE Ultrasound & Anaesthesia Series Training Webinar with Guest speaker Dr. Eric C Lindquist BS, DMV (Italy), DABV. Dr. Eric C…
Pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch is a common request in small animal practice. As with all exam types, there are going to be advantages and disadvantages of using ultrasound vs.…
Following on from our post on pregnancy diagnosis, let's look at using US to assess foetal viability. Size, movement and presence/absence of Doppler flow can be used to get a…
Radiography and ultrasound are very different imaging modalities and their strengths and weaknesses vary. Where possible, they should be used in combination to complement one another. Most vets would be…
In this final part of our introduction to scanning lungs in all species, we discuss the "C" in the ABC's of lung ultrasound C is for... Consolidation Lung consolidation occurs…
Have you heard of B-lines? B-lines are a common finding on lung ultrasonography in all species. If you are not familiar with the term, you may know them by another…
A is for... A-lines A-lines are artifacts seen in normal lungs. You will be glad to hear that the ultrasound appearance of the normal lung is the same in all species -…